Ourchinaflower is a professional flowers and gifts delivery service provider! We have more than 6000 florist chain stores in mainland. We provide delivery service within 3-6 hours.
In the follow cities, we have our chain stores:
Beijing Shanghai Tianjing Chongqing Wuhan Hangzhou Nanjing Changchun Shenyang Dalian Jinan Nanchang Nanning Huhehaote Jilin Chengdu Fuzhou Shijiazhuang Changsha Haerbin Wulumuqi Zhenzhou Guangzhou Shenzhen Dongguan Suzhou Wuxi Changzhou Xuzhou Wenzhou Jiaxing Qingdao Zibo Zhuhai Guilin Hengyang Daqing Fushun Jingzhou Anqing Yanji Kunming
Delivery Area: China mainland
We have professional customer service staff, professional floristic goods makers and professional distribution vehicle teams. We provide flower DIY service according to your request. If there are not the kinds of floristic goods you want on our website, you can contact us on line. We will try to meet your needs as much as possible rely on our strong distribution system.
What you need is what we seek! May we are not the best, but we will try our best!
365 days, 24 hours, and in holidays without break. From 8:30-20: 30 a day, the rest time delivery would be required an extra service fee.
With the best quality, the fastest speed for delivery of your true love and feeling